About Us

About Us

Tracy Payne Black wants you to know she’s been six feet tall since the sixth grade. While her day-to-day life, as well as her shoe fetish, has been impacted greatly by this, she also wants you to know that it is the least interesting thing about her. Tracy is a writer, singer, actor, storyteller, and educator. She has a master’s degree in English literature and a graduate certification in rhetoric, writing, and digital media studies as well as communication studies. When she’s not grading college essays, she is probably baking bread or attempting a new dessert recipe, watching Netflix or Hulu, playing Words with Friends, singing in a cabaret, performing in a musical theatre production, telling a story at The Moth, making an audio documentary, procrastinating on some massive writing project, reading the latest best-selling horror novel, trapping and neutering free-roaming cats, or traveling with her husband. In any case, she’d rather be snorkeling somewhere tropical. With that in mind, it is important to note that Tracy is obsessed with sharks because it is liable to come up at some point. She and her husband love animals and have two dogs and numerous cats—some indoor, some outdoor, and some who have decided they want to live with us. Tracy is tired and needs a nap.

Rashell Sharma is a small angry person who is the direct result of the interactions between a horny demon and an unattended bowling ball. She is tactless and kind in equal measure. She truly is the sort of person who would give you the shirt off her back, but wouldn’t be afraid to tell you it looks like shit on you, and remind you to wash it before you return it. Many people use a bio to list off all of their fancy accomplishments. Rashell has none of these, outside of making it this far in life and not being shot by those who have been offended by her in some way, shape, or form. She went to school and got good grades, but was too lazy in her first stab at college. She’s worked in about every menial job there is. Usually she’s great at them, but that only lasts about three years, and then she puts two tiny breakfast sausage like middle fingers in the air and walks out. Jack of all trades, master of none. Her second stab at college was better, probably because she got to play with knives, and fire, which is hands down one of her favorite things! Ohhhhh! How she loves fire!! She loves to use it to cook, but more importantly, she loves to use it to entertain herself. She thoroughly enjoys fireworks and loves nothing more than throwing them at the people in her life. Her single greatest talent is her ability to make friends with anyone until they piss her off, then it’s sausage fingers all over the place once again!